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Displaying items by tag: fayetteville observer
Friday, 01 February 2013 17:57


School Security Guard Writes Novel
Jersey Journal Newspaper
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

jjthumbAs children walked through the halls of School 14 over the past 14 years, few knew the story of Clarence Matthews, the 76-year-old Jersey City Board of Education security guard. Now that he has published a novel, that might change.

His first book, entitled "Jacob's Rite of Passage, Vol. 1: Young Jacob," focuses on the youngest of four children from a family of sharecroppers in Fayetteville, N.C. Jacob learns various life lessons, such as "mother-son over-bonding," the observation that a woman can't teach a boy how to be a man.

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Page Turners: A Rich Mystery
Fayetteville Observer
by Meredith Jacobs

meridithjacobsClarence V. Matthews coming-of-age novel, "Jacob's Rite of Passage," is set in Fayetteville during the Great Depression. Peter Manor is the youngest child in a family of sharecroppers and has higher aspirations for his life during a time of social and educational segregation.

Matthews' describes his book as being about "pertinent life truths that involve mother-son overbonding betrayal, abandonment, sexual exploration and misconceptions about manhood."

Matthews lives in New Jersey and has more than 30 years of experience as a real estate agent. Sequels are planned for his book, which is $8.95 and be orderd from online booksellers or at his website, jacobsriteofpassage.com.

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Wealth of Words at Book Festival
Jersey Journal by Rafal Rogoza
September 25 2012

wowords thumbReaders flocked to Van Vorst Park in Jersey City on Saturday to peruse published works by local authors as part of "A Tale of Our City," the Jersey City Free Public Library's fifth annual book festival. The festival serves as a venue of authors of all genres and ages to showcase their works and to bring the texts to life with readings on stage.

Among them were Clarence B. Matthews, 78, of Wade Street, whose recently published "The Man Jacob" is his third book of fiction abut a young African-American boy who leaves behind his life in the South to begin a new life in Jersey City. 

Matthews said the book depicts how families who have nothing can pull together to cope with life's obstacles, adding: "Those families have a lot of love."

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Author's Media Kit
Includes: the author's biography, book synopsis, press release, author inspiration and contact information.

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Blog photo credits: pexels.com, pixabay.com

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